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SKC Oktachim s.r.o.

Slovakia, Bratislava region, 902 01 Pezinok, Bratislavská 83

Mob.: +421-949-644-707







e-mail: info@masterbeehive.eu

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When you decide, what you want to order, write us email order which will contain next information:

1. Name and surname of ordering person

2. Delivery address, phone contact

3. Invoicing address

4. Name of ordered products and quantity (choose from pricelist of available products)

5. Confirmation with  Terms and Conditions  (which you will find >here<)

6. Requirements for order.


Example what should ordering email contain:

1. Peter Johnson

2. Bratislavská 83, 902 01 Pezinok, Slovakia, +421 949 644 707

3. Bratislavská 83, 902 01 Pezinok, Slovakia

(If address is different please write other - example : Špitálska 53, 811 01 Bratislava, Slovakia)

4. 10 frames beehive (Roof, Bottom, 2x body 300, Feeder)

5. By this I confirm that I agree with General Business Conditions.

6. Asking to deliver on Monday 24.08.2015 in the evening after 17:00.


In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email.

Always ready to advice.